Prosperity Dumpling
On a cold December evening, I was walking aimlessly in Manhattan thinking were to eat, I called Rohit who was working in New Jersey to suggest some popular place in Manhattan, he did a quick search and asked me to go to prosperity dumpling. I looked up the yelp review (~2300 review 4.5 stars) I was impressed. I went to 103rd street station caught a metro and went straight to china town. My phone was running out of juice, so I quickly called Rohit again and asked him for directions, Rohit was like " go to canal and eldridge...." beep beep and my phone died. Okay I now know the intersection, I asked an elderly gentleman across the corner - " how do I get to canal and eldridge? " "go straight and take a right on canal walk for two blocks and you get eldridge". I thanked the gentleman and followed his instructions and Prosperity was easy to find.

Prosperity dumpling (Image - yelper : Moises V)
A small hole in the wall place, completely mental and chaotic inside. The menu is quite large with close to 50 items. the menu included all sorts of soups, pancakes and different types of dumplings. I'm not a pork person, although I don't mind eating pork. I prefer chicken instead. so as soon as I entered the place saw this person taking orders. The owner/chef/cashier is a no nonsense person - "hey you, what do you want??" I was deciding what to get, still looking at the menu "one order of 26(steamed chicken dumpling) and one order of 27 (chicken soup dumpling)", "okay, 5 minutes" was his response. As I was waiting, few others were ordering. Looked like every one were taking #17(fired pork and chive dumpling). "My god #17 should be super popular!" I went to cashier and said "one order of #17 please" and he gave me a box with 4 fried pork dumpling and said "26, 27 and 17 - 7.25 Dollar" I paid him the money and opened the box. oh man, the dumplings were huge in size, in flavor and full of meat, I couldn't believe you get 4 dumpling for 1$. I'm so glad I tried pork dumplings. picked the rest of the order and headed back home. Me and rohit OD'd on dumpling that night!

Fried Pork and Chive dumpling
Steamed chicken dumpling
Chicken soup dumpling
All in all, Prosperity dumpling lives up to the HYPE. A must try place in china town.